West Virginia DMV On-line Vehicle Registration Renewal (Click Here)
Questions regarding unregistered vehicles, please call the Berkeley County Assessor's Office at:
304-264-1904 (M-F) 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
WV Code Chapter 17A, Article 3, Section 1a(a) requires "Every owner of a motor vehicle,
trailer or other vehicle, shall, within thirty days after
taking up residence in the state, apply to the division and obtain registration and title for the
vehicle." Code Reference
You are considered a resident if any ONE of the following apply:
1- You are registered to vote in WV; or
2- You have a child(ren) enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school in WV; or
3- You are receiving public assistance from WV; or
4- You have resided or have continuously remained in WV for a period exceeding 30 days, except for
infrequent or brief absences; or
5- You have filed for a Homestead tax exemption in WV.
WV Code Chapter 17A, Article 3, Section 1 defines the penalty for failure to properly
register your vehicle as a misdemeanor. First conviction fine
shall not exceed $500; Second and subsequent conviction fine shall not exceed $500 and/or
confinement of six (6) months in county or regional jail.
Code Reference
WV Code Chapter 17A, Article 3, Section 3b requires the assessor to make verification of
vehicles believed illegally unregistered !!!! Code Reference
Berkeley County Assessor's personel will be looking for Berkeley County residents with
vehicles that are not legally registered in the State of West Virginia and not paying
personal property taxes!!!!